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What do American odds and how to turn them into understandable

What do American odds and how to turn them into understandable


You may encounter and American odds that are pretty confusing. You will see something like -150 or + 150 for a particular market. These numbers indicate the following: negative number indicates how much you have to bet to win 100 units. Or should you put 150 E to win 100 (this is equivalent to a factor of 1.67 in the decimal system). Of course you should bet just 100 E. The positive figure in American odds shows profit in betting 100 E. For example, the odds. + 150 means that out of 100 E will earn 150 - the equivalent of decimal odds of 2.50.

If you want to turn negative factor in decimal / as -150 / 100 split ratio (a positive number) and add 1. Or: 100/150 + 1 = 1.67.

To convert the positive American odds in decimal: divide the number by 100 and add 1. For example + 150 will be 2.50 (150/100 +1).